
Chai Club Partner

  • What Is the Chai Club?

    Thank you for being an integral part of our community and growth over the last few years.  You are an amazing partner.  Thank you for being part of all the success.  We hope you enjoy seeing your success in the Chabad in Action section in our weekly Email Newsletters.

    We are now asking you to continue your partnership by joining others in becoming a Chai Club Member.  As you know, the word CHAI, means life. By joining the Chai Club you become the life of the community’s long-term sustainability and growth.

    To help with the consistency and growth of Chabad’s activities that you have come to love and appreciate, we have created the monthly Chai Club and are personally inviting you to become our partner.  This crucial element of support for our work comes from hard-working individuals like yourself, who commit to a monthly contribution. These monthly donations add up and make a great difference in covering the operational budget and making the Chabad impact.

    By becoming our partner through the Chai Club, you are committing to a monthly donation in a multiple sum of 18, or "Chai". Your Chai Club commitment of a monthly sum will continue benefiting you, your family, and our community forever.

    Give Chai! Get Chai! - Give Life! Get Life!

    You can sign up by going to www.ChabadUlsterCounty.Org/ChaiClubWe also accept Zelle (via [email protected]), Paypal (via Chabad of Ulster County), and of course Checks which can be made out to Chabad of Ulster County and mailed to 254 Lucas Avenue, Kingston, NY  12401.

    Thank you for your partnership, friendship and continued support,


    Rabbi Y. Yitzhak Hecht

    P.S.  The phone rang at Chabad and Rosalyn, an elderly Jewish lady, was asking for help.  She could not get out of bed and her help could not get to her for some time.  Having no family, she did not know what else to do.  My wife and I quickly went round to her house and helped her out of bed and made sure she had what she needed.  Members of our community continued to visit her regularly and made sure she felt connected.  This is just one way Chabad impacts the community.

    P.P.S.  Be it $18, $36, $180 or $3,600, choose your level, you will be doing an ongoing mitzvah.

  • Choose amount you would like be a monthly Chai giver:
    $18 - Good Deed  |  $36 - Mentch  |  $54 - Mitzvah  |  $72 - Tzedakah  $108 - Chai
    $180 - LeChaim  |  $360 - Double Chai  $613 - Taryag Mitzvos
    $770 - Chabad  |  $1800 - High Chai

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  • The Torah teaches that each individual is a world. With your support of our activities, you can help move many a universe. As a member of the Chai Club, your donation, combined with everyone else's in this special club, will allow us to continue our important work towards a stronger Jewish tomorrow and beyond.

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